Hire Better

Retain Longer

Find great-fit candidates &
Stop losing your best employees.

Does your workplace suffer from past-fit hiring?

Average turnover & low employee engagement is expensive.

Automated insights to hire Future-fitTM talent.


See How The Best Employees Stay 3X As Long

Talent & financial insights for improving growth  & retention

See how an Call Center Agency reduced early turnover by 90% & increased retention from 8 to 24 months.

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Does your workforce suffer from?


While it's normal to have ebbs and flows in workload, sustained increase in work is often unsustainable. For some it leads to job searching or complaints.



Increased stress wrecks havoc on adrenal glands and raises cortisol levels. These responses were designed for fight or flight situations, not work.


Any of this look familiar?


"Just doing more" leadership approaches accelerate fatigue whereby more mistakes are made and productivity naturally slows.



While burnout is at an all-time high, most don't recognize the underlying cause from the tension between what's best for people and profit. Workgaze addresses this underlying tension.


Staffing Challenges

Costing you a small fortune?

There is more pressure on managers and team leaders than ever before. But most hiring isn't optimally designed for how each person is energized, motivated, or naturally engages with work. At Workgaze we are reimagining how managers and team leaders can hire and lead more motivated and satisfied employees with less frustration.

Unnecessary Expenses

  • Finding the Right People
  • Filling Open Positions
  • Early Turnover
  • Disengagement
  • Employee Retention

Purposeless Productivity

How much is this costing you?

This Workplace Dysfunction is called

Purposeless Productivity

The leading cause of Purposeless Productivity is hiring for Past-fit.

We solve purposeless productivity.

A smarter way to hire

It starts with predictive insights & better conversations

There is more pressure on managers and team leaders than ever before. But most work isn't optimally designed for how each person is energized, motivated, or naturally engages with work. At Workgaze we are reimagining how leading motivated employees can be done. By applying behavioral science and complex system expertise we're empowering managers and team leaders to lead more motivated and satisfied employees with less frustration.


See How The Best Employees Stay 3X As Long

Talent & financial insights for improving growth  & retention

See how an Call Center Agency reduced early turnover by 90% & increased retention from 8 to 24 months.

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